Song Of The Marching Children
Carnaval Of The Animals 2:42
Ebbtide 3:07
Storm And Thunder 6:25
In The Mountain 3:03
Song Of The Marching Children (18:25)
a. Theme Of The Marching Children 2:20
b. Opening Of The Seal 1:10
c. Childhood 3:10
d. Affliction 1:30
e. Damnation 2:53
f. Purification 4:17
g. The March 3:02
Atlantis (16:22)
a. Prelude 0:49
b. Prologue (Don't Know) 3:20
c. Rise And Fall (Under A Cloudy Sky) 2:42
d. Theme Of Atlantis 4:02
e. The Threat (Suddenly) 1:48
f. Destruction (Rumbling From Inside The Earth) 2:59
g. Epilogue (Don't Know) 0:41
Maybe Tomorrow, Maybe Tonight 3:12
Interlude 1:57
Fanfare 6:04
Theme From Atlantis 1:50
Love, Please Close The Door 4:11
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