Eruption (4)– One Way Ticket 3:35
Eruption (4)– Good Good Feelin' 3:28
Eruption (4)– Runaway 4:24
Precious Wilson– We Are On The Race Track 3:30
Precious Wilson– Hold On, I'm Coming 3:32
Eruption (4)– Go, Johnny, Go! 3:54
Precious Wilson– Cry To Me 3:49
Eruption (4)– I Can't Stand The Rain 3:12
Precious Wilson– Raising To My Family 3:02
Eruption (4)– Leave A Light 3:17
Precious Wilson– I Don't Know 3:54
Eruption (4)– It's Alright 3:55
Eruption (4)– Stand Up And Sing Hallelujah 3:58
Eruption (4)– Party, Party... 2:30
Precious Wilson– The Night The Music Died 3:56
Precious Wilson– Mr. Pilot Man 3:27
Precious Wilson– All Colored In Love 3:12
Precious Wilson– Funky Fingers (Medley) 5:53
Eruption (4)– Hey There Lonely Girl 3:22
Eruption (4)– Be Yourself 3:45
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