Tom Waits – Beautiful Maladies - The Island Years ( USA ) Digipak

252 грн.
  • доставка из г. Днепр
  • 7 августа 2024, номер: 420018
Музыкальный жанр: Рок 


1 Hang On St. Christopher 2:42
2 Temptation 3:51
3 Clap Hands 3:45
4 The Black Rider 3:21
5 Underground 1:51
6 Jockey Full Of Bourbon 2:45
7 Earth Died Screaming 3:36
8 Innocent When You Dream (78) 3:08
9 Straight To The Top 2:27
10 Frank's Wild Years
Recorded By – Tim Boyle
11 Singapore 2:43
12 Shore Leave 4:16
13 Johnsburg, Illinois 1:33
14 Way Down In The Hole 3:29
15 Strange Weather (Live)
Remix – Biff Dawes
16 Cold, Cold Ground (Live)
Remix – Biff Dawes
17 November
Recorded By – Gerd Bessler
18 Downtown Train 3:49
19 16 Shells From A Thirty-ought 4:32
20 Jesus Gonna Be Here 3:18
21 Good Old World (Waltz) 4:00
22 I Don't Wanna Grow Up 2:30
23 Time 3:53
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