Термін доставки - 14-16 днів
A1. Overture (Live from the Royal Albert Hall)
A2. End Of An Era (Live from the Royal Albert Hall)
A3. Houdini (Live from the Royal Albert Hall)
A4. Training Season (Live from the Royal Albert Hall)
A5. These Walls (Live from the Royal Albert Hall)
B1. Watcha Doing (Live from the Royal Albert Hall)
B2. French Exit (Live from the Royal Albert Hall)
B3. Illusion (Live from the Royal Albert Hall)
B4. Falling Forever (Live from the Royal Albert Hall)
B5. Anything For Love (Live from the Royal Albert Hall)
C1. Maria (Live from the Royal Albert Hall)
C2. Happy For You (Live from the Royal Albert Hall)
C3. Love Again (Live from the Royal Albert Hall)
C4. Pretty Please (Live from the Royal Albert Hall)
C5. Levitating (Live from the Royal Albert Hall)
D1. Sunshine (Live from the Royal Albert Hall)
D2. Cold Heart (PNAU Remix) (Live from the Royal Albert Hall)
D3. Be The One (Live from the Royal Albert Hall)
D4. Dance The Night (Live from the Royal Albert Hall)
D5. Don’t Start Now (Live from the Royal Albert Hall)
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Способи доставки:
• Накладеним платежем Новою Поштою/Укрпоштою/Meest;
• ОЛХ доставка;
• Безкоштовна доставка до точки видачі Rozetka замовленням через Prom.
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