Вінілова платівка John Williams - Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
2LP Vinyl
Під замовлення ~ травень 2024.
LP1 - Side A
1. Indy's Very First Adventure - From "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade"/Score
2. The Boat Scene - From "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade"/Score
3. X Marks the Spot - From "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade"/Score
4. Ah, Rats!!! - From "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade"/Score
LP1 - Side B
1. Escape from Venice - From "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade"/Score
2. Journey to Austria - From "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade"/Score
3. Father and Son Reunited - From "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade"/Score
4. The Austrian Way - From "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade"/Score
5. Scherzo for Motorcycle and Orchestra - From "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade"/Score
6. Alarm! - From "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade"/Score
7. No Ticket - From "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade"/Score
LP2 - Side C
1. Keeping Up With the Joneses - From "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade"/Score
2. Brother of the Cruciform Sword - From "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade"/Score
3. On the Tank - From "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade"/Score
4. Belly of the Steel Beast - From "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade"/Score
5. The Canyon of the Crescent Moon - From "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade"/Score
LP2 - Side D
1. The Penitent Man Will Pass - From "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade"/Score
2. The Keeper of the Grail - From "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade"/Score
3. Finale & End Credits - From "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade"/Score
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